Hello My Dear Sarunya
Thanks alot once again for your nice reply i want to come over to meet you, talk to you regarding our future because i am ready to be your husband if God allow us,and i also plan to buy a house in Your Country so that in the future we will be Going holiday there What do you think? Well Reading your words and it moved me and i started feeling you around me.
You will cherish my love forever dear and i pray for the God to guide you for me and may God, the creator and sustained of the universe grant our prayers as we continue to serve Him in truth and faith.There are much we will have to do for Him in the future, and as we continue to honor,seek His face all other things shall be added unto us.
Now i have found you,i am therefore committed to make you happy as much as i can. Listen to your cries and show you love beyond measure. It is a pity being alone. Since,i have been lonely,although there are Beautiful women here but you should know that all that glitters are not gold. I am taking it slowly,waiting for God to bring to me my soul mate and here you are dear
My Dear i am looking forward to see you soon after my trip in Malaysia i will be having my Long holiday and Leaving Alone this Weekend Saturday 6th of September and i will be there on Sunday Morning Then Monday Morning i will be going to meet the Company for the release of the money for me Please Take Care There.
Yours Lovely Sincere