You think I was gonna force-fooling myself as being humble, accepting, and kill my arrogant and untameable supremely larger-than-life soul? Like your weak and defended capability it's just not yet your era to fight intellectively. Just keep appreciating your pretty flesh and be happy at how you can turn tides and make the sun go down as you have proven true. You for now deserve just that. Live, listen, and ride along with the golden ages of various different satisfaction of each when it's the time. FYI I do not understand broken or grammatically written English therefore all the mentioned did me was making me shake my head and said whisperingly "I vaguely got the emotional sense of an intent to abuse and bold the extremities." But then again how could I keep my head down and actualize the inferiority? Read this over from the top and use a little more effort to think strategically and appropriately. Cut back on your snobbish attitude. You're getting older and aging everyday. You're supposed to grow wise as time eats away. Don't fucking make a shit fool of yourself too much. It's annoying. Love, your Granny.