The PORAM standard specifications for RBD palm olein are FFA 0.1% maximum and color 3R maximum. In most cases, quality deterioration during the shipping period was observed to be mild. However, it was also observed that for 1985–1986 shipments, the arrival data in Europe showed that the FFA could range from 0.06% to 0.6%, color from 0.27 R to nearly 5 R. Peroxide value, which is not a PORAM specification, was between 1 to 10 mequiv/kg, usually on the higher side of the range. Iron, which is normally specified by the buyer for shipments at 0.3 ppm maximum, was seen to arrive at the destination on the higher side, sometimes even up to 10 times higher than the buyer’s specification. Table 15-C shows the quality deteriorations that can occur during storage, handling, and transportation during the export process.