The effects of operating variables on the COD removal, TN
removal and power generation performance of SMFCs were evaluated
using statisticalmodels. SMFC withlow feed pH (6.5) displayed
higher COD removal, lesser TN removal as well as power density
compared to that with higher feed pH (8.5). Operating the
SMFC with greater distance between electrodes gave higher values
of COD and TN removal and lesser power density. The COD
removal, TN removal and power density increases with decrease
in external resistance. All the operating variables showed signifi-
cant effects on the COD removal, TN removal and power generation
in the SMFC. The model demonstrated maximum COD and TN
removal of 3.99 g m−2 d−1 and 0.21 g m−2 d−1, respectively, and a
maximum power density of 4.52 mWm−2 was demonstrated using
non-catalyzed graphite electrodes. Validation of the model predictions
for treatment of aquaculture water revealed the effectiveness
of these models
The effects of operating variables on the COD removal, TNremoval and power generation performance of SMFCs were evaluatedusing statisticalmodels. SMFC withlow feed pH (6.5) displayedhigher COD removal, lesser TN removal as well as power densitycompared to that with higher feed pH (8.5). Operating theSMFC with greater distance between electrodes gave higher valuesof COD and TN removal and lesser power density. The CODremoval, TN removal and power density increases with decreasein external resistance. All the operating variables showed signifi-cant effects on the COD removal, TN removal and power generationin the SMFC. The model demonstrated maximum COD and TNremoval of 3.99 g m−2 d−1 and 0.21 g m−2 d−1, respectively, and amaximum power density of 4.52 mWm−2 was demonstrated usingnon-catalyzed graphite electrodes. Validation of the model predictionsfor treatment of aquaculture water revealed the effectivenessof these models
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