The multivariate analysis of the sampled stands representing
the different habitats led to recognition of four vegetation
groups. Group A and B were dominated byM. crystallinum.
Group C was co-dominated byM. crystallinumandS. glaucus.
Group D was dominated byH. murinum. These groups could be
categorized under three communities; salt marsh community
co-dominated byM. crystallinumandS. glaucus; sand dune
community dominated byH. murinumand sand flat community dominated byM. crystallinum. These results reflect the
domination (high ecological amplitude) ofM. crystallinumin
the present study that may be attributed to its adaptation to
the environment (anatomical, physiological, biochemical and
molecular). This species is very tolerant to saline soils, salt
spray and coastal conditions[4,29]. In addition, it can accumulate salt in the top soil, which prevents the growth of nontolerant species and subsequently increases its abundance
and success in the invaded site