An American manager by the name of Bill Morris worked for an American multinational firm. One year he was transferred to France. When he began working in the French office, he wanted to get to know his employees and show them that he was friendly and interested in a good work relationship. He decided to throw a party for the whole office. He thought it would be a good way to get acquainted with everyone in a less formal environment. He invited everyone in his office, including secretaries and executives, for a big party in his elegant apartment. Everyone accepted the invitation. He was pleased that no one and declined his invitation.
At his apartment Morris served a buffet of snack foods and drinks. The employees could help themselves to whatever the liked. The manager liked this casual style of parties. As an informal and relaxed host of the party he could show them that he was an open person and easy to talk to. Morris feels these are important qualities of a manager and boss.
The party, however, was not a success. The employees were very uncomfortable as guests. They felt they didn’t know Morris well enough to be in his home. They thought he was showing off his money by inviting them to his elegant apartment. They also were not comfortable with one another because they were not used to socializing together.
In such a case, a problem might occur and conflict between the two cultures is inevitable.
An American manager, Bill Morris, worked for an American multinational firm. He was then transferred to France.
In that country, he wanted to show his employees that he was a gregarious person. That was why he decided to throw a party to get acquainted with them.
Morris invited his employees to his elegant apartment and prepared everything perfectly, as he saw it. He was expecting to create a casual atmosphere but it turned out quite different.
His French employees considered him to be showing off too much and they didn't feel comfortable at all. In this case, neither party was to blame because the knowledge that they had was only speaking good English, and not something that is more important to take on board: hospitality across cultures.
It is increasingly becoming our job to teach this to our students to prepare them to face the real world.