Sample Student Reflection Paper 1
(enjoyed online learning)
How Distance Learning Has Changed My Life
This course has helped me overcome my fear of technology. I was unsure of myself at first, but I quickly became used to using e-mail, bulletin boards, and chat rooms.
I have learned how to do Internet research. I had never used the Internet for research before. I always went to the library and looked everything up in the card file. The search engines on the Internet are faster than looking things up manually. The search engines even let the researcher search for articles containing key words that are related to the subject being researched. Just a few years ago, a person would have had to scan an article or book themselves to see if it related to their topic. I have noticed that not all search engines are created equal. Yahoo and Lycos are my favorites. To get a broad range of information on a topic, it is best to use more than one search engine.
From taking this class, I have learned that my preferred learning style is visual. I learn best from reading the material and seeing charts and graphics. If I am unsure on the spelling of a word, I write it down several different ways and choose the one that looks right. I am happy this is my learning style, because on-line classes are almost exclusively visual.
From the temperament sorter, I learned I was a guardian sj. I have always been goal-oriented and have usually known what I want out of life. I also want to fit in with a group. I feel that I have accomplished this with this class. We all want to improve our lives, and hopefully our paychecks. Guardians, besides wanting to fit in, are always searching for security. I am a bit insecure, but am trying to become more self-confident.
Another aspect of my temperament is that I am an "ISFJ." That means I am introverted, sensing, feeling, and judging. The article stated that ISFJ's are "characterized above all by their desire to serve others, their need to be needed." That is exactly like me. I never thought of myself as that way, but I am. I also seem to be taken advantage of a lot. I think that is because I want people to like me so much that I will give in in order to feel like I am accepted and wanted. People can easily take advantage of someone like me. This knowledge of myself will help me in the future. I will think twice before giving too much of myself. I will question the other person's motivation.
I can relate to the fact that ISFJ's are often "harried and uncomfortable in supervisory roles." I was a retail store manager for three miserable years. I spent most of my time trying to get my employees to work. I never seemed to have enough time to get my own work done. I wasn't firm enough to be a boss. I did fine when it came down to doing my own work. I just couldn't motivate my employees. The part about traditional careers for ISFJ's included teaching, which I found interesting. I have considered teaching at some point in my career. It might be a good choice for me.
This course has helped me to know myself better. It has taught me skills I will take with me to my future courses. I will know how to collect research, contact people through e-mail, and will be able to order books on-line. I have already used my research skills to help myself with my accounting class. I went to Yahoo and searched for accounting tutorials. There were several tutorials that were very helpful in my studies. In future courses, if I have questions, the Web has a vast amount of resources I can tap into.
This class will help me in my work-related goals as well. I have visited and set up an account. After I graduate, I will post my resume on-line and will hopefully get a job offer or an interview. I may be able to find my dream job without leaving my house. That is amazing to me.
Now that I have this class (almost) behind me, I am considering entering the master's degree program. I have found that I like on-line learning, and I know that I can achieve my goals if I work hard enough.
My strengths in the distance learning format is my ability to set goals and be disciplined enough to reach those goals by the deadline. I kept a small notebook and wrote down each day what I needed to do in each class. I also tried to break down longer tasks into smaller pieces. I tried to do something every day to reach the goal. This class forced me to become organized. Being able to organize will help me in everything I do in college and at work.
One of my weaknesses is my shyness. I have partially overcome this weakness because of the on-line format. I did not feel as self-conscious, because nobody would see me, and would not judge me because of my looks. I could be myself. This has helped me become more confident. I have found it easier to speak up in my traditional classes and to speak with my classmates. I will be able to use this newfound confidence to do better in college and in finding a better job.
Another weakness I have is being afraid to ask for help. As this course progressed, however, I overcame that timidness. I realized that in the working world, everyone helps each other out if a co-worker has a problem. Also, working in teams is important in many jobs. The team project helped me to learn how to be a part of a team. That skill will help me immensely if I get a job at a bank or investment firm, which is my goal.
I have enjoyed this class because it opened my eyes to who I really am as a person. I have learned about my preferred learning style, which is visual. I have become more confident and goal-oriented. My organizational skills have improved greatly. I am looking forward to the rest of my college experience, and to the working world beyond.