Chapter 5
Discussion summarized the research results and recommendations
The result of the research, we conclude that humans have not ended by four factors, the first is the food, medicine and housing, apparel, it increased gradually, such as facilities, money ranks the nobility was praised tha. The need for perfection in life and when we wanted to. Needs, and then we will have the impetus to make us successful. When we have a committed and very driven, we will try to follow the target placed so that we will be able to success.
Man born to help with a better quality of life by quality of life occurs happy must occur first. The real happiness must be caused by a sense of satisfaction in itself. Make life meaningful, valuable and it must have a good life, that human development must recognize all four aspects of self development is a body of spiritual intelligence, including bringing back the way of Buddhism that says.
"Well done, well done evil." as a way to practice self to fight the future, and will lead you to everyone who has believed in doing good deeds to success in life.
Nanan and compliments Welcome back, and we will succeed in everything that we intend, in roles that have been assigned.