It was almost midnight and it was dark in the Nordic house. The 6 attendants had gone to bed several hours ago and were fast asleep...all except for one.
(c/n) was sitting cross legged in the middle of her bed, covers draped over her head. Every little noise the old house made, sent new shivers down her spine and made her whimper ever so slightly. “This is pathetic.. it was just a movie” she mumbled to herself as she very slowly poked her head out from the covers that served as her invisibility cloak. Her (e/c) eyes scanned the dark room, searching for anything unusual. Previously that same evening, she and the Nordics had been snuggled together in the living room watching some random horror flick that aired on TV... and now she was paying the price. She hated horror movies... but the others really wanted to see it so who was she to say no?
The (h/c) girl took a deep breath before sighing heavily, trying to remind herself that there was no safer place in the world than the Nordic house. Just as she was about to calm down, her eyes quickly shifted towards the wardrobe. For some reason, one of the doors were slightly agape, even though she distinctly remembered she closed it before she went to bed. ____ gulped as she very gently moved to stand on the floor, making sure not to make a sound as she tip toed out of her room. She closed the bedroom door behind her and leaned her back against it as another sigh escaped her lips. “This is ridiculous.. a grown woman afraid of something that isn't even there.”
She pushed herself away from the door and started to wander the dark hallway, looking over her shoulder every now and again just to make sure nothing was behind her. She stopped outside Tino's room, biting her lower lip as her hand rested on the door handle. “I'm just going to make sure he's there..” she whispered as she carefully opened the door and peeked inside.
Sure enough.. Tino was sleeping soundly in his bed with Hanatamago snoozing in the basket next to him. The young female was about to leave, but she had to double back and take a second look as someone was stirring right next to the Finnish male. ____ narrowed her eyes as she tried to make out who it was. An arm stretched out from under the covers and snaked it's way around Tino's waist, __ then understood it had to be none other than Berwald. A small sigh of relief escaped the (h/c) country before she backed away and closed the door.
She quietly shuffled over to the door across the hall from Tino's. That was Emil's room. She opened the door and poked her head inside, smiling at the sight of the huge bulge that hid underneath the duvet with silvery strands of hair poking out by the pillow. Emil was there, Mr Puffin snoring loudly next to him. How the Icelandic male could sleep with such noise was a mystery indeed.. but he never complained about it so everyone just guessed he was used to it.
The next room was Mathias'.. the huge Danish flag on the door was a dead giveaway. ____ chuckled before she opened the door, wincing slightly as the door creaked. She prayed the Dane didn't hear it as she stepped one foot inside to take a look. Her (e/c) eyes widened and she quickly covered her mouth with her hand to stifle her laughter. There, in all his glory, was the self proclaimed king of Northern Europe sprawled out on the bed. The covers had been tossed to the floor, his right leg was dangling off the side of the bed and he covered his eyes with his left forearm. His mouth was wide open and ___ could clearly see the drops of drool that rolled down his chin. The young female closed the door behind her quickly before she lost her breath trying to hold back her laughter.
Mathias was there was only one door left. ____ walked quietly over to the Norwegian's bedroom, inhaling before she gently pushed the door handle down and opened the door. She peeked inside and to her great horror... Lukas was gone! She stepped into his room to take a closer look, but no.. he was not there. A wave of panic washed over the (h/c) girl and she made a B line for the door. Just as she was about to grab the handle, the door swung open and she bumped into something hard.
“_____?” A monotone voice called and made the young female look up. She was met by a pair of dull, ocean blue that looked down at her. Never in her life had she been so happy to see those emotionless blue eyes! Lukas had woken up earlier to get a glass of water. He was wearing light blue pajamas and his bangs were hanging over his eyes due to the missing hear pin. A deep sigh of relief escaped her lips as she leaned her forehead against the Norwegian's chest. “Thank God..” she muttered silently to herself. Lukas raised his brow in curiosity as he looked down at the smaller female, wondering why she was in his room at this time of night. “____, why are you still up?” he asked while tilting his head, putting his hands on her shoulder to push her gently away.
The young female blushed slightly at the question, not wanting to tell him she was scared of the non-existing monster in her closet and wanted to make sure her friends hadn't been eaten. She rubbed the back of her head awkwardly and chuckled. “I just wanted to make sure Everyone was sleeping..that's all.” She lied. Lukas however, didn't believe her for a second. He let go of her shoulders and crossed his arms over his chest, “You were scared of the movie.” He stated matter of factly. He had always been able to see straight through her no matter how hard she tried to hide things from him, it had been like that ever since they were kids. Whenever she was in pain and had tried to hide it, he would always figure it out. ____ mentally cursed herself out for not hiding the truth better. She looked up at him and smiled while shrugging her shoulders. “Yeah.. but I'm fine now. I'll go back to bed.” she assured him before slowly walking towards her own bedroom.
Lukas leaned on the doorframe as he watched ____ walk towards her room. She was taking teeny tiny baby steps, clearly she was not in any hurry to get back to her own bed. He tilted his head when she suddenly stopped midway, seemingly not daring to take another step closer to her bedroom door. He could tell she was really scared, and he hated to see her like that. He rubbed his neck and cleared his throat, making ____ turn around and look at him. “You don't want to go to your room, do you?” He asked, making her shake her head slowly while looking down at the floor. He was absolutely right, she didn't want to go back to her room all alone. The Norwegian let out an exasperated sigh before he reached a hand out for her to take, his head turned slightly to the side and his bangs casted a faint shadow over his eyes. “You can sleep in my room then..but only for tonight.” He muttered.
____'s (e/c) eyes widened at Luka's words. “I..I can?” she asked, earning a nod from the blonde male. A fain smile spread across____'s lips as she reached out and took hold of Lukas' outstretched hand, giving it a light squeeze as if to say thank you.
The young country crawled into the king sized bed and snuggled under the comfortable duvet. She brought it up to her face and inhaled. It smelled just like him, it was a comfortable and calming scent with a slight hint of coffee. The mattress dipped slightly as Lukas laid down next to her, and before she knew it, he has slid one arm under her head while the other rested around her waist. His face was buried in her neck and his warm breath tickled her skin ever so slightly. “You're not scared anymore.. right?” he mumbled sleepily. His soft lips brushed against her neck, sending shivers down her back and giving her goosebumps all over. “No..” she whispered as she slowly closed her eyes.
The Norwegian hummed contently in response and tightened his grip around her waist, pressing her back against his chest even more. ___ could feel it raising and lowering with each breath he took, it's slow rhythm made her own body relax even more and she soon felt sleep creeping up on her. “I suggest you sleep here every night... just in case the monster is real.” The Norwegian mumbled before planting a chaste kiss on the nape of ____'s neck, making the (h/c) female smile.
“... yeah..”