3.5. Microbiologic al analysis
In the processing of fruit juices, thermal technologie s like pas-
teurization and sterilizat ion are commonly used and successfully
achieved the goal of microbial food safety,but the combination
of time and temperat ure in these techniques is directly related to
the loss in phytonutrie nts, organolepti c properties and develop-
ment of some other undesirable changes in fruit juices [25]. This
is why non-thermal technolo gies nowadays are gaining more
attraction. Sonication is one of the non-thermal innovative tech-
niques that could reduce microbial population without any unde-
sirable damage to apple juice. As shown in Table 3, significant
decrease (P < 0.05)was observed for the total plate count in the
samples sonicated for 60 and 90 min as compare d to sample soni-
cated for 30 min and control (non-sonicated)sample.Additionally ,
significant decrease (P < 0.05)in yeast and mold was observed in
all the sonicated samples as compared to control sample.Similar
results have already been observed in sonicated kasturi lime juice
[4]. It has also been reported that the target of 5-log reduction in
microbial contaminan ts or pathogens in fruit juice as recom-
mended by FDA can be attained by sonicatio n [26]. The decrease
in microbial load was due to the enhancement of biocides by cav-
itations which are the basis of ultrasound benefits.In fact,these
cavitations caused by compression pressure cycle which increases
localized pressure of up to 100 MPa and temperature of the order
of 5000–15,000 Kwithout increasing overall temperat ure of prod-
uct and also create hydroxyl radicals and shock waves that ulti-
mately cause damage to biological species.Localized increase in
heating and creation of free radicals due to cavitations are the main
causes of microbial inactivation [27]. But unfortun ately, it was ob-
served in our present study that the sonicatio n treatment could not
achieve the complete decontamination of apple juice.It has been
reported that ultrasound alone cannot achieve the complete
decontaminati on of fruit juice [4]. Therefore,the efficiencyof son-
ication treatment can be improved by combining this technique
with high pressure or mild heat treatment or both to get safe fruit
juices free from pathogenic microbes while with minimum damage
to the nutrients and sensory characterist ics.
3.5. Microbiologic al analysisIn the processing of fruit juices, thermal technologie s like pas-teurization and sterilizat ion are commonly used and successfullyachieved the goal of microbial food safety,but the combinationof time and temperat ure in these techniques is directly related tothe loss in phytonutrie nts, organolepti c properties and develop-ment of some other undesirable changes in fruit juices [25]. Thisis why non-thermal technolo gies nowadays are gaining moreattraction. Sonication is one of the non-thermal innovative tech-niques that could reduce microbial population without any unde-sirable damage to apple juice. As shown in Table 3, significantdecrease (P < 0.05)was observed for the total plate count in thesamples sonicated for 60 and 90 min as compare d to sample soni-cated for 30 min and control (non-sonicated)sample.Additionally ,significant decrease (P < 0.05)in yeast and mold was observed inall the sonicated samples as compared to control sample.Similarresults have already been observed in sonicated kasturi lime juice[4]. It has also been reported that the target of 5-log reduction inmicrobial contaminan ts or pathogens in fruit juice as recom-mended by FDA can be attained by sonicatio n [26]. The decreasein microbial load was due to the enhancement of biocides by cav-itations which are the basis of ultrasound benefits.In fact,thesecavitations caused by compression pressure cycle which increaseslocalized pressure of up to 100 MPa and temperature of the order
of 5000–15,000 Kwithout increasing overall temperat ure of prod-
uct and also create hydroxyl radicals and shock waves that ulti-
mately cause damage to biological species.Localized increase in
heating and creation of free radicals due to cavitations are the main
causes of microbial inactivation [27]. But unfortun ately, it was ob-
served in our present study that the sonicatio n treatment could not
achieve the complete decontamination of apple juice.It has been
reported that ultrasound alone cannot achieve the complete
decontaminati on of fruit juice [4]. Therefore,the efficiencyof son-
ication treatment can be improved by combining this technique
with high pressure or mild heat treatment or both to get safe fruit
juices free from pathogenic microbes while with minimum damage
to the nutrients and sensory characterist ics.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

3.5. Microbiologic al analysis
In the processing of fruit juices, thermal technologie s like pas-
teurization and sterilizat ion are commonly used and successfully
achieved the goal of microbial food safety,but the combination
of time and temperat ure in these techniques is directly related to
the loss in phytonutrie nts, organolepti c properties and develop-
ment of some other undesirable changes in fruit juices [25]. This
is why non-thermal technolo gies nowadays are gaining more
attraction. Sonication is one of the non-thermal innovative tech-
niques that could reduce microbial population without any unde-
sirable damage to apple juice. As shown in Table 3, significant
decrease (P < 0.05)was observed for the total plate count in the
samples sonicated for 60 and 90 min as compare d to sample soni-
cated for 30 min and control (non-sonicated)sample.Additionally ,
significant decrease (P < 0.05)in yeast and mold was observed in
all the sonicated samples as compared to control sample.Similar
results have already been observed in sonicated kasturi lime juice
[4]. It has also been reported that the target of 5-log reduction in
microbial contaminan ts or pathogens in fruit juice as recom-
mended by FDA can be attained by sonicatio n [26]. The decrease
in microbial load was due to the enhancement of biocides by cav-
itations which are the basis of ultrasound benefits.In fact,these
cavitations caused by compression pressure cycle which increases
localized pressure of up to 100 MPa and temperature of the order
of 5000–15,000 Kwithout increasing overall temperat ure of prod-
uct and also create hydroxyl radicals and shock waves that ulti-
mately cause damage to biological species.Localized increase in
heating and creation of free radicals due to cavitations are the main
causes of microbial inactivation [27]. But unfortun ately, it was ob-
served in our present study that the sonicatio n treatment could not
achieve the complete decontamination of apple juice.It has been
reported that ultrasound alone cannot achieve the complete
decontaminati on of fruit juice [4]. Therefore,the efficiencyof son-
ication treatment can be improved by combining this technique
with high pressure or mild heat treatment or both to get safe fruit
juices free from pathogenic microbes while with minimum damage
to the nutrients and sensory characterist ics.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..