Why are Video Games Addictive?
By Dr. Brent Conrad
Clinical Psychologist for TechAddiction
In a previous article, we discussed the specific video games that seem to present an increased risk of leading to an addiction - or at least unhealthy or excessive gaming habits. These are the games that people most often seek help for moderating or giving up entirely. Notably, these games are all Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games orMMORGS / MMOs (e.g., World of Warcraft). Why are video games addictive and why do MMORPGs / MMOs seem to be especially addictive?
What is a MMORPG / MMO? In MMO games, players typically create their own character(s), join other players online to form committed teams (clans, guilds), and develop their character's skills, powers, and abilities by completing certain tasks or quests in a fantasy world which is largely shaped by the players. The worlds continue to evolve even when the player is offline.
This article is an attempt to answer the question "Why are some video games so addictive?"
VIDEO: Quick explanation of video game addiction
Reasons for Video Game Addiction
The most addictive video games have no pre-defined ends. This is one of the central features of a MMORPG, but it is also becoming true for many other genres as well. The most addictive video games have no ultimate goal or point at which a player can say "I'm finished. I have completed every quest - there is nothing new to discover". As such, there is never the experience of "Game Over" - a point which signifies the natural end to a game.
Addictive video games feed a need of making social connections. While video games used to be solitary activities, today's games encourage, and in many ways, require that players interact socially with each other - which feeds the universal human need for interpersonal connections. Interestingly, these connections can come at the expense of real-world relationships