Several members of the MYB transcription factor
family were also found to be closely co-expressed with
the JA biosynthesis genes AOS, OPR3 and JMT. Most of
the co-expressed MYB transcription factors have no
known function. Using publicly available online coexpression
analyses, a link was found between MYB29
and the regulation of aliphatic glucosinolate biosynthesis
[25]. Since methyl-JA is involved in regulation of glucosinolate
biosynthesis this could indicate that MYB29 is
co-expressed at the level of JMT or below. However, the
upstream connection of MYB29 with AOS suggests that
activation of the glucosinolate pathway by MYB29 is
already initiated before methyl-JA is synthesized.
that are involved in positive or negative regulation of
PR-genes and SAR are also connected to the JA biosynthesis
pathway (Figure 5), like the positive regulatory
combinations WRKY18/53 (Figure 4A), WRKY54/70
(Figure 4B), WRKY28/46 that are possibly involved in
the regulation of SA biosynthesis (Figure 7) and WRKY11/48 that act as negative regulators of SA
defense genes.
Several members of the MYB transcription factor
family were also found to be closely co-expressed with
the JA biosynthesis genes AOS, OPR3 and JMT. Most of
the co-expressed MYB transcription factors have no
known function. Using publicly available online coexpression
analyses, a link was found between MYB29
and the regulation of aliphatic glucosinolate biosynthesis
[25]. Since methyl-JA is involved in regulation of glucosinolate
biosynthesis this could indicate that MYB29 is
co-expressed at the level of JMT or below. However, the
upstream connection of MYB29 with AOS suggests that
activation of the glucosinolate pathway by MYB29 is
already initiated before methyl-JA is synthesized.
Several members of the MYB transcription factorfamily were also found to be closely co-expressed withthe JA biosynthesis genes AOS, OPR3 and JMT. Most ofthe co-expressed MYB transcription factors have noknown function. Using publicly available online coexpressionanalyses, a link was found between MYB29and the regulation of aliphatic glucosinolate biosynthesis[25]. Since methyl-JA is involved in regulation of glucosinolatebiosynthesis this could indicate that MYB29 isco-expressed at the level of JMT or below. However, theupstream connection of MYB29 with AOS suggests thatactivation of the glucosinolate pathway by MYB29 isalready initiated before methyl-JA is synthesized.that are involved in positive or negative regulation ofPR-genes and SAR are also connected to the JA biosynthesispathway (Figure 5), like the positive regulatorycombinations WRKY18/53 (Figure 4A), WRKY54/70(Figure 4B), WRKY28/46 that are possibly involved inthe regulation of SA biosynthesis (Figure 7) and WRKY11/48 that act as negative regulators of SAdefense genes.Several members of the MYB transcription factorfamily were also found to be closely co-expressed withthe JA biosynthesis genes AOS, OPR3 and JMT. Most ofthe co-expressed MYB transcription factors have noknown function. Using publicly available online coexpressionanalyses, a link was found between MYB29and the regulation of aliphatic glucosinolate biosynthesis[25]. Since methyl-JA is involved in regulation of glucosinolate
biosynthesis this could indicate that MYB29 is
co-expressed at the level of JMT or below. However, the
upstream connection of MYB29 with AOS suggests that
activation of the glucosinolate pathway by MYB29 is
already initiated before methyl-JA is synthesized.
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