Create a"Questions' and believe, board. You can do this alone or with colleagues. Generate a set of questions that you would like addressed in your individual, centre or staff group's philosophy position statement. People can then be invited to make an"I believe' statement in response to the question. These can then be used to write a summary for discussion. Write a story of a ume you taught toell. Sit for five to ten minutes and write a short story of a time when you taught well. Reflect on that story and what it is in the story that makes you think it was good teaching. What does this say about what you believe good teaching with young children looks like? How should you be as a teacher and what does learning look like with young children? Generate a metaphor. Try to find a metaphor that captures how you and/or your team see your work with young children. Then play with and extend the metaphor through words, poems, images and sounds to build a picture of what your philosophy is. Favourite sayings. Make a list of your favourite sayings on what early hood education can accomplish. What do they tell you about your philosophy of teaching and what it says about children as learners and you as an educator Read the statements in Ideas gallery 10. I about the role of early childhood education in society. Once you have read the statements on them using the following questions: what position on the role of early chil education in implied in each statement? What is similar and what is different between these position statement and thc key ideas within your own position statement? Which role of childhood education in society would each theorists' ideas on the carly statement most closely link with? Ideas gallery 10.1 The role of earty childhood education in society From Germany: