Once the mathematical model is developed, the
implementation will be next. The input data such as
operating expenses and carbon sequestration ability of each
tree must be acquired from several sources and can be
shown in Table I and Table III respectively. In Table I, the
expenses in the first year include seeding cost, field
preparation, and labor cost [17]. The expenses for the
following years until the seventh year include labor cost,
fertilizing, and tree replenishment. The carbon absorption
ability by a tree is in ton carbon per year which is bycourtesy of Office of Nation Resources and Environmental
policy and planning, Ministry of Natural Resources and
Environment [18].
In this experiment, planting area of 400 by 400 meter is
utilized. The required area of each plant to be fully grown is
designed at 4 by 4 meter which is considered providing the
best growing result. Therefore, there will be exactly 100
trees needed to grow in the area. The required total amount
of carbon sequestration is set at 0.05 ton carbon per year