: Jack Sparrow is a tan, mustachioed man who wears his dark brown hair in dreadlocks decorated with numerous beads. His beard is similarly styled into two smaller dreads, each with two very small beads near the tips. Jack wears a faded red bandana on his head, on which is another small beaded ornament ending in a silver coin. He wears brown boots and has brown eyes, and carries a the scabbard of his cutlass on his left hip, kept in place by a black strap that goes over his right shoulder. He wears another, tan belt around his waist, overtop a tattered, white piece of cloth tied around his waist. Jack's compass hangs from this second belt, tied on by a piece of twine, and his pistol is tucked into the cloth. He wears a faded, loose white shirt underneath a black jacket that exposes his chest, both tucked beneath the cloth and belt. The legs of his black pants are tucked into his boots. Finally, Jack sports a fingerless glove on his right hand.