Tangible and intangible investment, by asset, £bns
Year 1990 1995 2000 2008 % total
All tangibles 67 62 87 104
All intangibles 57 70 98 141 100%
Software 6 10 16 22 15%
R&D 8 9 12 16 11%
Design 13 13 15 23 17%
Minerals & copyrights 3 3 2 4 3%
Branding 5 7 12 15 11%
Training 14 17 24 30 22%
Organizational 9 12 17 31 22%
MSGVA (£bn) 374 458 600 881
GDP (£bn) 495 640 840 1,295
Notes: Data are investment figures, in £bns, current prices. R&D refers
to both scientific and non-scientific R&D, and financial product development.
‘Design’ refers to architectural & engineering design. MSGVA is
market sector gross value added without intangibles, that is, sector A to
K, excluding real estate and software and mineral investment. GDP is UK
Source: ONS data for tangibles, this article for intangibles.