The Rhine in the European environment
from 2000
On 1 November 1993, the environmental and water protection on the Maastricht Treaty was first enshrined in the objectives of the European Union.
In drawing up river basin-related EU directives in environmental and water protection, the experience of the ICPR were in international waters protection Pate.
On 22 December 2000 joined the European water framework Directive in force, which continues the tried am Rhein principle of integrated water management and their obligations for all EU Member States are binding. The aim of the WFD is to achieve good status in all waters to, 2015.
Switzerland as a non-EU country has agreed in January 2001, the EU member states to within the ICPR in the river basin-wide coordination on the basis of their national law . support
the same time is for the coordinated implementation of EU policies in international Rhine catchment area in the ICPR - with the involvement of lying in the Rhine catchment States Liechtenstein, Austria and Belgium (Wallonia), which are not Contracting parties to the ICPR, - a joint platform, the coordinating Committee Rhine, been created.
December 2000 entry into force of the EC - Water Framework Directive (2000/60 / EC)
in January 2001 Conference of Rhine Ministers 2001 - Decision "program for sustainable development of the Rhine -Rhein 2020 ' (ICPR + WFD )
January 2003 entry into force of the Convention for the Protection of the Rhine
December 2006 entry into force EU groundwater Directive 2006/118 / EC
in October 2007 Rhine Ministers Conference 2007
November 2007 entry into force of the EU flood risk management Directive (2007/60 / EC)
in January 2009 entry into force of the EU directive on environmental quality standards in the field of water policy "Priority substances" (2008/105 / EC)
August 2013 entry into force of the EU Directive amending Directives 2000/60 / EC and 2008/105 / EC as regards priority substances in the field of water policy (2013/39 / EU)
in June 2014 DIRECTIVE 2014/80 / EU oF COMMISSION of 20 June 2014 amending Annex II of Directive 2006/118 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration