Apples are one of the most commonly consumed fruits in the world. In 2011, world apple
production was estimated at around 75 millions of tons according to Food and Agriculture
Organization stats [15]. Apple are eaten both raw and as processed products, such as cider, juice, and
puree. The famous sentence: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!” is what is highly recommended
and heavily advertised nowadays to the general public to stay fit and healthy. This claim is due to the
high nutraceutical values of the apple’s compounds and to the large abundance and accessibility of this
fruit in the market, and, due to postharvest storage technology, fruit shelf life can be extended for up to
one year, depending on the variety. Although apples are one of the most consumed fruits in the word it
is important to note that they are not those with the greatest phenolic content and antioxidant capacity.
In fact, total phenolic contents of 62 fruits using the Folin-Ciocalteu method showed values ranging
from 11.88 (Pyrus communis L.) to 585.52 (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) mg GAE/100 g of wet weight. In
this wide range, apples belonging to green-delicious, red-delicious, and rose-red cultivars showed
intermediate values of 68.29, 73.96, and 70.57 mg GAE/100 g of wet weight, respectively [16].
Specific studies aimed at comparing total polyphenols in commercial and ancient apple cultivars were
performed by Iacopini et al. [17] and Minnocci et al. [18]. These studies showed that cultivar effects
can be relevant as total polyphenol content range between 56 and 221 mg GAE/100 g of wet weight in
Gala and Panaia red cultivars, respectively (Figure 2). These results prove that the genetic variability
within apple germplasm can provide significant genetic variation for polyphenol traits.