IR-36 showed higher frequency of plant regeneration
as well as mean number of regenerated plants per
explant. Highest frequency (88.7%) of plant regeneration occurred
when the embryogenic calli subcultured on MSO medium
containing 50.0 J.l.mol/L copper sulphate, while response
was comparatively low (67.9 %) on medium containing
MS copper level. For cv. Safari-17 maximum response
(78.3 %) was observed on MSO medium containing
10.0 J.l.mol/L copper sulphate and minimum on medium containing
MS copper level (Fig. 1 c). It was observed that average
number of regenerated plants from the immature embryo
derived calli have some relationship with the level of copper
sulphate added into regeneration media. The effect was most
stimulating for regenerating green plants in cv. Safari-17,
where medium containing MS copper level gave an average
of 3 plants per explant, and medium enriched with
10.0 J.l.mol/L copper sulphate gave a maximum of 13 plants.
For cv. IR-36, MS copper level gave an average of? plants per
explant and medium supplemented with 50.0 J.l.mol/L copper
sulphate gave 19 plants