As shown from Figure 1 for Adrar, the maximum monthly
mean wind speed is found in July, i.e. approximately 6.5 m/s,
while the minimum of 5.4 m/s is in both December and
January at 10 m above ground level. Generally higher monthly
mean wind speeds of the order of 5 m/s or more are observed
during all the year. At 50 m AGL the hourly wind speeds were
calculated using the 1/7th wind power law [21-24] as can be
seen in Figure 2, the estimated values follow the same trend
but with larger magnitudes. At Timimoun the season’s
maximum monthly mean wind speed of about 5.8 m/s is
observed during April, while the minimum is 3.9 m/s in
December at 10 m height. At 50 m height higher values are
observed but follow the same trend as at 10 m.