Dear Gift,
We have not yet, last time I checked, received the downpayment from Chod yet (accounting, please check if this is still true or not). I therefore thought we agreed that we would not give the green light until we receive the downpayment.
Please liaise with accounting to invoice the completion of the 1st cleaning and discuss with the customer for immediate payment, otherwise we will again carry 150,000 THB of working capital for rich clients! Something we can’t really afford to do at the moment.
Also on PV9, please hold off on that as discussed during the weekend. We will be sending out letters to Conergy once the board has approved this for the pull-out of PV3 and PV6 so it is likely that Conergy will terminate our contract for PV9, something I’m surprised they haven’t done already.
I’ll put the first cycle payment for Choochart in the plan, as I agree that they have been reasonable given the situation and we should try to keep them happy. Please provide accounting with all the necessary documents for this - sign off sheet from you team, invoices etc.