Geert Hofstede Analysis for Brazil
The Geert Hofstede analysis for Brazil is similar to it’s Latin American neighbors. Uncertainty avoidance ranks highest which indicates a high concern for rules, regulations, controls and issues with career security – typically, a society that does not readily accept change and is risk adverse. A large power distance indicates that inequalities of power and wealth have been allowed to grow with Brazilian society. High long-term orientation ranking signifies Brazil has respect for tradition and supports a strong work ethic where long term rewards are expected as a result of today’s work.
Brazil is similar to many Latin American countries when analyzing Hofstede's Dimensions (see Latin America Hofstede Graph below).
Brazil's highest Hofstede Dimension is Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI) is 76, indicating the society’s low level of tolerance for uncertainty. In an effort to minimize or reduce this level of uncertainty, strict rules, laws, policies, and regulations are adopted and implemented. The ultimate goal of this population is to control everything in order to eliminate or avoid the unexpected. As a result of this high Uncertainty Avoidance characteristic, the society does not readily accept change and is very risk adverse.