bout 58% are male; and almost 93% are Saudi nationals. Mobile banking users are relatively young in the sample;
more than two-thirds of the mobile banking users (72.7%) are between 18 and 25 years old. Approximately 41%
earn SAR 5000 or more per month; 54.5% are students; 75.8% visit their banks 1-4 times monthly; 35.8% make
deposits when visiting their banks; and 43.7% used mobile banking for one year or more.
5.1. Factor Analysis
Based on the review of literature discussed earlier, the items identified as measure for the six independent
variables (i.e. relative advantage, compatibility, observability, complexity, trialability, and perceived risk) were
subjected to a factor analysis in order to group them into meaningful clusters and verify their unidimensionality.
Specifying six factors, factor analysis was conducted via principal component analysis with orthogonal varimax
rotation. The Bartlett Test of Sphericity and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) Measure of Sampling Adequacy were used
to validate the use of factor analysis. Table 2 indicates that the value of KMO is meritorious (i.e. between 0.80 to
0.89) and Bartlett's Test of Sphericity is significant (P