Previous reviews of the INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL psychology literature have been selective and have not addressed general content issues directly (Austin, Scherbaum, & Mahlman, 2002; Muchinsky, 1979; Strasser & Bateman, 1984). As a further step to locate any additional content analyses of the INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL psychology literature, we man ually searched each of the 153 issues of JAP and each of the 109 issues PPsych from January 1980 to May 2007 for articles that described analyses of the content of published literature in the field. With the exceptions of the articles just cited, we found none. To our knowledge, therefore, our study is the first systematic assessment of the general content of published research articles in the field of INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL psychology covering more than four and one half decades, as reflected in the two leading journals in the field. The present article differs from previous reviews in that our focus is on topics, content areas, geographic location, author affiliations, and the correspondence between published research and human capital trends rather than on methodology or other narrower aspects of the INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL psychology literature.