Chureeporn -- please tell us more about CV unit 9, how long have they been our tenant She has been our tenant unit 32 / Shopping House since 1 October 1994. During February 2011 Indian restaurant interested to rent unit 31-32 so we requested her to move to unit 9 sell the same product. She occupied unit 9 since 1 May 2011 and change the shop name to Co Co, what merchandise do they sell Boutique & Souvenir, do they have any issues or regular outstanding payments, etc., etc. She has outstanding debt since 2013, notice letter sent to her regularly in June, Aug, Dec’13, her outstanding already settle in June 2014 and pay rent on time until now , what is the reason why they requested to change tenant name and shop's name? She would like to change to her partner who takes more responsibilities.