GUEST STORY: SUIT-ABLE ATTIREAUGUST 1, 2013 / BRAND LOYALTY / CUSTOMER SERVICE / GUEST STORIES0 COMMENTSThe story below is a great example of how one noteworthy service experience will not only leave a lasting impression with a customer but will also elevate the brand.
A gentleman arrived at The Ritz-Carlton, Bahrain late one evening to check in. He looked frustrated and tired. After having a conversation, it was discovered that he had a bad experience with his flight, where among other things, his luggage was lost. He was highly concerned about the meeting that he was supposed to attend the next morning. He did not have any business suits with him except what he wore on the plane. Without the gentleman asking him, The Night Manager told him we would have his suit laundered overnight in time for his meeting. The Night Manager also offered the gentleman all the necessary needs for the next morning, including arranging transportation to his business meeting.The following morning, The Night Manager personally delivered his suit and also gave him an update about his lost luggage, which The Night Manager took the accountability to handle on this gentleman’s behalf. He was amazed by how well he had been taken care of—all without him having to ask for anything.
Upon the gentleman’s return home, he wrote the following letter to The Ritz-Carlton, Bahrain: “I would like to follow-up with you regarding my guest experience. My arrival in Bahrain followed a very difficult travel day. This included several difficult conversations with airline representatives in Dubai and lost luggage upon arrival in Bahrain. Exhausted, hungry and stressed, I arrived at The Ritz-Carlton very late.”“Thanks go out to your driver for waiting for me at the airport and to your staff for the warm welcome. Particular thanks go out to The Night Manager. I had a full day of meetings scheduled for the next day along with a flight on to Doha. Given my lost luggage, all of my presentation materials were missing along with all of my business attire. Due to the late hour, the hotel’s laundry facilities were closed for the night and my meeting schedule started before any shops opened the next morning. This made for a difficult situation in terms of logistics, clean clothes and arriving to client meetings prepared.”“The Night Manager went above and beyond normal duties. He managed to find someone to clean and press my clothing. He showed me where/how I could re-print some presentation materials in the Business Center. And he asked me what time I intended to be awake in the morning; I indicated 8:00 a.m. You can imagine my relief when the doorbell rang at 8:00 a.m. exactly. There were my clothes! I travel to and across the Middle East several days every month. The Ritz-Carlton is my preferred brand for many obvious reasons. The level of service, dedication and tenacity provided by The Night Manager and the ‘Night Team’ is what really set a hotel apart, though. Please extend my thanks to The Night Manager and his team. And know that I look forward to many returns to
The Ritz-Carlton, Bahrain.” ∞The Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center offers a course called: ”‘Radar On-Antenna Up’: The Ritz-Carlton Way of Fulfilling Unexpressed Wishes and Needs.” There is no greater experience in service delivery than to surprise and delight a customer, and this program shows how the Ladies and Gentlemen of The Ritz-Carlton take service excellence to the highest levels every day.