In resolving these concerns, the auditor will seek evidence by performing a combination
of tests of internal controls and substantive tests. Tests of controls include testing both
general controls (discussed in Chapters 2 through 7) and application controls specifically
related to revenue cycle procedures. Various application control techniques were examined
in Chapter 7. For example, the auditor may use an integrated test facility (ITF) to test the
accuracy of sales transaction postings to the AR file. Although positive results from such a
test may enable the auditor to reduce the degree of substantive testing needed to gain assurance
about the mathematical accuracy of account processing, they offer no assurance about
the collect ability of those accounts receivable. Similarly, ITF can be used to test the credit limit logic of the edit program to provide assurance that the organization’s credit policy is being properly implemented. This test, however, provides no evidence that proper cutoff
procedures were followed in calculating the total value of accounts receivable.