The novelty lies in the fact to adapt these audiovisual materials to the new methodologies of learning where the
student body is the centre of learning and it becomes active agent while the faculty it becomes a facilitator of their
learning rather than a transmitter of knowledge. It is not tries to show the video in a presence class session. It that is
intends is that students in autonomous form be conscious of the learning objectives that are intended to reach in the
laboratory session so it is promotes and facilitates which they are prepare before to execute the experimental session
on its own (Simo et al., 2010), in order to avoid them to follow a recipe without further and so increase and promote
their learning. The progressive incorporation of resources like Internet with platforms such as Moodle, also
streamlines this process because these videos may be part of the tasks on the non-presence activities which along
with questionnaires can represent assessment activities of automatic correction.
The resulting material constitutes a support for autonomous study prior the laboratory access, and it has been
conceived as a motivator and facilitator element of student learning, especially for experimental sessions of the
matters of chemistry. This has been assumed an effort to synthesize the most important information for obtaining a
material of quality and which aims to avoid its obsolescence.