Using this case study
This case study is designed to give plenty of opportunity to discuss asthma management and key
points from the revised British Guideline on the Management of Asthma (2008).
The two parts of the case study should be handed out to participants progressively, so that the story
unfolds and to allow for discussion around all the salient points.
After each part has been read, the facilitator may like to initiate discussion by posing questions.
The facilitator notes give guidance on the points to bring out in the ensuing discussion. In addition to
the key issues to be covered, other discussion points are suggested, together with practical issues that
could be raised.
The case study should give ample opportunity to tailor the discussion to suit the needs and interests
of the participants.
It is possible to use only one part of the case, if more appropriate for the participants concerned or if
there are time constraints.