We characterized the pollen germination and longevity in durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) under in vitro conditions
and observed the morphological changes during anther dehiscence. Approximately 10 anthers aggregate on a
filament; these merge with others at the base to form five phalanges in the flower. Anther dehiscence occurred
at 19:00, at the same time as floral anthesis. Observation with a low-vacuum scanning electron microscope revealed
pollen grains clinging to the anther even after the anther had dehisced. In vitro pollen germination was highest
at a sucrose concentration of 10%. In the test of pollen germination on Brewbaker and Kwack (BK) medium, the
germination rate was highest (59.1%). The germination rate was decreased (5.0% to 46.0%) when any of the
minerals of B, Ca, Mg, and K was removed. The pollen germination rate at anthesis was 40.4 to 50.6% in four
cultivars (‘Mon Thong’, ‘Chanee’, ‘Kradum Thong’, and ‘Phaung Manee’), and the rate was maintained at more
than 40% until 24 h after anthesis and then decreased gradually. When pollen was stored under desiccating
conditions with silica gel, pollen following 120-h storage could germinate after rehydration. Rehydration for 12 h
achieved the best results, with 47.0% germination occurring after this rehydration period.
We characterized the pollen germination and longevity in durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) under in vitro conditionsand observed the morphological changes during anther dehiscence. Approximately 10 anthers aggregate on afilament; these merge with others at the base to form five phalanges in the flower. Anther dehiscence occurredat 19:00, at the same time as floral anthesis. Observation with a low-vacuum scanning electron microscope revealedpollen grains clinging to the anther even after the anther had dehisced. In vitro pollen germination was highestat a sucrose concentration of 10%. In the test of pollen germination on Brewbaker and Kwack (BK) medium, thegermination rate was highest (59.1%). The germination rate was decreased (5.0% to 46.0%) when any of theminerals of B, Ca, Mg, and K was removed. The pollen germination rate at anthesis was 40.4 to 50.6% in fourcultivars (‘Mon Thong’, ‘Chanee’, ‘Kradum Thong’, and ‘Phaung Manee’), and the rate was maintained at morethan 40% until 24 h after anthesis and then decreased gradually. When pollen was stored under desiccatingconditions with silica gel, pollen following 120-h storage could germinate after rehydration. Rehydration for 12 hachieved the best results, with 47.0% germination occurring after this rehydration period.
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