International Health, Racquet, &
Sportsclub Association(IHRSA)
IHRSA. is a not-for-profit trade association represent- ing 2,500 health and sports clubs worldwide. It is the largest club association in the world. More than 1,800 IHRSA member clubs offer some form of reciprocal access through the association's Passport" program. which provides members the opportunity to use another club when they travel.
A club must agree to abide by the HRSA Code of Con- duct and comply with the association's membership stan- dards. A member of IHRSA has the mission to enhance the quality of life through physical fitness and sports. It endeav- ors to provide quality facilities. programs, instruction. and strives to instill in all those served an understanding of the value of physical fitness and sports to their lives. IHSRA recognizes the following international certifying agen cies Aerobics and Fitness Association of America Aerobic Pipeline International American Aerobics Association/International Sports Medicine Association American College of Sports Medicine n Council on Exercise