Launch ArcMap, and rename the data frame as Task 1. Add emidastrm. shp to Task 1. Then add ned_62735911 to Task 1. Opt to build pyramid. The next dialog is a warning message because emidastrm.shp is based on NAD 1927. different from the datum for ned_62735911. Click on the Transforma tions button. In the next dialog. choose to convert from GCS_ North_ American_1983 On into GCS_ North_American_1927 by using NAD_1927 To_NAD_1983_NADCON and click OK. Close the warning message.
4. emidastrm.shp is now displayed on top of the elevation data sete.
Q1. What is the elevation range (in meters) in ned_62735911?
Q2. What is the cell size (in decimal degree) of ned_62735911?