Effects of high blood pressure (140/90). those who do not exercise have a chance of high blood pressure increases. 35% off a're always made to minimize both systole and diastole pressure significantly. patients with hypertension who exercise regularly have a risk rate of complications. Than those who did not exercise. exercises will help increase the life 1-1.5 years affect cerebral stroke incidence decreased with increasing chest exercises. , when the ladder 20 steps each day to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular percent. 20 people out of exercise by walking 3 hours per week will soon incidence of cardiovascular disease decreased. 40 Results diabetes who exercise regularly have a lower chance of developing diabetes percent. 42 to remove the sweat out 1 time per week until the incidence of diabetes decreased. 22 affecting the heart , those who do not exercise have a chance of death is twice that of people who exercise. , exercise makes blood flow to the heart increases. , exercise can cause heart energy for use when the heart has to work. Heavy increase strength in compression of the heart. reduce blood cholesterol levels increase the HDL (the good cholesterol). reduce blood pressure Reduce cardiac Makes the heart work less effective immune moderate exercise reduces the incidence of respiratory disease percent. 29 for a hard workout Like a marathon Found to have infected more. than that of blood found that the exercise will decrease inflammation (c reactive proteine). result in cancer , exercise can reduce the incidence of cancer. 46 effect on quality of life , exercise hesitatingly 1500 kcal per week (moderate exercise) will increase the life 1.57 years and reduce the incidence of premature deaths in the hundreds. 67 for seniors every 1 mile walk will reduce the incidence of death. 19 to remove the regular (Age. 45-84) reduces mortality percentage. 18 Exercise and depression. disease, depression and obesity are common causes include stress, anxiety. And sees himself impairment. The exercise will cause an increase of serotonin and endorphins, which of the two to reduce stress, reduce anxiety, and believe that exercise will cure depression if that is not much. , sleep , exercise will make the bed. better sleep