4. Revise your rough draft.
Using the checklist below, check your rough draft or let your partner check it.
Essay Checklist
Essay Organization.
Introduction : ✓ Does it include general statement?
____ Is there a thesis statement?
Body : ✓ Are paragraphs ordered by points, with
Similarities and differences for each point?
✓ Are different transitions use to show comparison and contrast?
Conclusion : ✓ Does it summarize main points or state your thesis again in other words?
____ Is there a final comment on the topic?
Paragraph Organization
Topic Sentences : ✓ Does each body paragraph have a topic sentence with a controlling idea?
Supporting Sentences : ✓ Is each paragraph about one main idea?
Do your sentences support your topic sentence?
✓ Do you have specific details or examples to support what you have said?