3 Significant Accounting Policies
Except as described below, the accounting policies applied in the preparation of this unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial
information are consistent with those used in the preparation of the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013.
The following new and amended standards are mandatory for the first time for the financial year beginning 1 January 2014 and are applicable for
the Group:
Amendment to IAS/HKAS 32, “Financial Instruments: Presentation”
IFRIC/HK(IFRIC) – Int 21, “Levies”
The adoption of the above new and amended standards did not have any significant impact on the Group’s unaudited condensed consolidated
interim financial information.
In addition, the IASB and HKICPA also published a number of new standards and amendments to standards which are effective for the financial
year beginning after 1 January 2014 and have not been early adopted by the Group. Management is assessing the impact of such new standards
and amendments to standards and will adopt the relevant standards and amendments to standards in the subsequent periods as required.