And you may never know ......."
Weed started pulling out the dwindling trees on the beach after wards proceeded to chop them into pieces.
Repairing the Ghost Ship's broken mast and hull would require a lot of wood.
Purplish Musty Smelling Ship: Durability 4/49 Old Ship. Soaked in salty waters for a long time, like the Ghost of the Ocean. Known to have bad luck attributes. Bringing around misfortune. Creating something from unsuitable material.
Options: •Luck -15
•Riding aboard would cause you to recall hunger and thirst.
•Being nearby would cause you to receive many types of minor curses.
Weed used the pieces of wood from the Ghost Ship and started sculpting out a skulls.
"All of these pieces could have been sold as souvenirs."
There are hundreds of bottles containing the skull and note and I drifted them all out to sea.
Tiny pieces of sculptures made from the Ghost Ship headed out to sea, sloshing through waves in the distant.
"And now to test my newly acquired sculptural skill........."
Weed dipped both of his hands in sea water.
"Skill: Sculptural materials comprehension!"
-Sea water. It is known that there are many components of sea water.
From the shoreline you have gained understanding of its composition.
The water has vitality and broad tolerance properties.
Weed's hand with lit up the waters started to sparkle.
"Water is nature's Mana without compromising the good pieces."
Water can be sculpted without need for cutting off pieces but rather by molding them together.
"Skill: Nature Sculpting!"
Slipping between his fingers the waters started to float into the air.
Being not quite prepared the floating water was in disheveled form.
Weed might be able to do so much for the neck, too Yellowy water up and then pulls out a knife, a piece of v-trim shape.
"You'll need to create decent work."
You can't expect to create a masterpiece on the first try. That's just absurd.
Weed stared at his sculpture on the far off distance. It was the Ghost Ship with The Undead Pirate Deoreol reaching out with one hand.
Ghost Ship Sculpture Piece
The sea is rich of pirates!
A poorly made sculpture of the undead, even calling alright would be a stretch.
This piece was made purely with water.
Artistic value: 179.
Special options:
Enhances the abilities of the Undead.
Ghost Ship gives up 5% of their movement speed.
If in the ocean leadership increases by 2%.
Water can be sculpted without need for cutting off pieces but rather by molding them together.
An ordinary piece. It could be described as fairly modest work.
"Skill: Cloud Sculpting!"
Weed's created sculpture started to evaporate and slowly started to disappear.
-Cloud Sculpting.
The created Cloud Sculptures would be depending on the nature affinity with the water.
Skill level is low, the affinity with clouds will determine if there will be many mistakes.
High clouds formed over the sky. It was as if the clouds were eating each other creating a gigantic figure.
It was a cloud sculpture in the sky. A perfect reproduction of the Ghost Ship and the Undead Pirate Deoreol!
For the first time Weed created a colossal cloud sculpture, made by putting nimbus clouds together.
Depending on the winds the colossal cloud sculpture started to flow into the sea.
Planer sees the gigantic cloud sculpture flying over. A flying Ghost Ship.... No it's the Flying Dutchman! That's a clear sign of approaching disaster.
"Goodness..... Was this thing from the sea? From which direction?"
The ghost sailors dressed in rags pulls out a bottle that showed markings from their captain.