Beginner’s Bow: Durability 70/70.
Damage 9~13.
Range 4.
Bow made from basic ingredients.
Short and tight, can be use throughout many hunts.
Comparing the level to the materials, this was made with great flexibility so the chance of it breaking is low.
Level 3.
Available for all professions.
Upgrade impossible.
Normally, bows would be graded as specialized weapons in blacksmithing. It required advanced Dexterity and Intermediate level Blacksmith to begin making them; while also, there were no instructions that can be view on how to create them.
With all of Weed’s wastage materials, he could create more than 100 bows.
Rotten Wood Bow have been made.
Unknown Used Bow have been made.
Poor Goblin’s Bow have been made.
The levels of the finished bows were slowly improving. Reason being he was gaining experiences with each finished product. Though, it was still far from satisfactory.
Weed simply continued making bows while filling his stomach with bread.
Hunting Bow have been made.
Specialized Deer Hunting Bow have been made.
Tree Shortbow have been made.
Beginner Archer’s Bow have been made.
At this point, the bow’s level has improved. If he could somehow manage to bring them to a store, he could sell them for fairly low prices!
The quality of materials was decreasing, but good products were still coming out.
“From now on, it’s the real thing.”
Up until now, Weed has not a single ounce of regret when he was making the bows.
The bows production was at a very high speed. But from then on, he was going to create them with more devotion.
So, he made another 200 bows.
Beautiful Wooden Bow have been made.
Hawk Hunter’s Bow have been made.
Penetrating Bow have been made.
You have gained a level.
Able to use animal’s bones or horns to craft Khakgung(horn bows). Varied in size: accuracy, shooting speed, and damage can improve.
Through making a large quantity of bows, he obtained a new stage of bow making.
Generally, wooden bows were widely used throughout the beginner stage. But with the superior tension of animal bones and horns, these had a clear advantage.
“I could make bows out of animal’s bones?”
For most, having suffered through making several bows only to discover there was a better grade of bow out there, their relative willpower would drop.
But Weed was different.
“Let’s start over now!”
Repeated labor!
Working with tree trunks was abandoned. Since the transition was easy because he had collected many bones.
Through the materials collected from hunting monsters, and through cooking where he had to separate the meat from the bones. However, it was dependant on the mastery of the skill; whether the amount was large or not, based on this.
In Weed’s case, with his Intermediate cooking skill, the bones collected after separating from the meat was huge!
“Bones! I don’t think normal bones would do tho.”
Depending on the size of the bone, the size of the bow could be large, and with the given bone’s resiliency, it was to excel. Although better ones were made from monsters or animals’ horns; but since they were classified as medicinal item, the prices rocketed in stores.
Because of that, every horns he had he sold to the stores without reserve.
“Instead of those, I’ll use ogre sized monster’s bones to make them.”
Weed fished out large bones and began making bows.
Handling large monster’s bones required tremendous force.
Struggled against materials!
“The mobility of short bows isn’t that great. While it does have fairly fast reloads, the power of it is weak.”
He trimmed the unforgiving large monster’s bone to create the limb(don’t know the terminology, so I yeah.) Any vulnerable part on the limb, he reinforced it with iron; then he carefully fastened the bowstring.
With that, the bow was finished to some extent; he then meticulously adjusted the balance of the bow. And through engraving, he carved a wind sylph onto the limb.
It was indeed the best that he could do.
Creation of The Chasing Wind Bow logged.
Blacksmith skill proficiency rose by 0.2%.
The Chasing Wind Bow:
Durability 85/85.
Damage 49~62.
Range 7.
Bow was created using the thigh bone of an ogre.
The bow has an unimaginable strength.
But because this was crafted from strong materials, not a lot of people can handle this.
Accuracy drops sharply.
Level 200.
Strength 530.
Archer only.
Minus 35% chance of hitting.
Minus 80 Agility.
Plus 45% chance of penetrating target.
Can destroy light armors or shields.
With Power exceeding 700, arrows can fly 3 times as fast.
Arrows can ride the wind and fly a bit further.?
The damage output wasn’t all based on the processing!
This was not comparable to Weed’s High Elf Yeurika’s Bow; but considering that it was made from common materials, its was amazing.
However, Accuracy and Agility had been sacrificed.
Compare to moderate armors, this was much heavier; the large bow was born.
“Good. We need to bows with powers to this extent!”
Weed was felt a surge of prideful feelings, and he embarked on the production of another bow.
He continued through the same process trying to make similar bows.
The goal was 413 bows.
One for each of the still living Geomchis.
“I don’t have much time, hafta hurry.”
Earlier he was making bows through trial and error, but now he moved more diligently.
He made about 17 bows, when Pale and the party returned. They were standing with bunch of ingredients.
“Weed nim, we got plenty of meat and fruits this time around.”
“Thanks for the hard work.”
Seechwi and Zephyr were in charge of the wagon of food materials.
At this time, Maylon came to Weed to see what he was doing.
“What are you making? Siege weapons?”
She asked as she watches Weed refining the large monster bone.
“Nope. I’m making a line of bows for Master and the Sahyeongs.”
“Bows? At this size?”
Maylon face shown she was shocked.
It was something hard to believe. The bows Weed created were around the staggering 140 centimeters in height.
“Yeah. Pretty awesome, huh?”
“Yeah but, it’d be substantially difficult to handle with such large bows. Do you mind if I check one?”
“Sure. By any chance you encounter something worth noting to create them, please tell me.”
“Yes, I will do that. Let me see.”
Maylon was very surprised when she checked on it. Its weight was very heavy. It was heavier than the armor she was wearing, which seems to counterintuitive.
Leaving the burden of the wagon, Pale, Seechwi, and Zephyr walked up.
“What are you doing?”
“Ah Pale nim. I’m looking up on the bows Weed nim made.”
“Oh my…bows, huh?”
Awe filled Pale's eyes.
He saw there was only a 30 centimeters difference between Maylon and the object she was holding, that he didn’t even notice the moaning and groaning she was making with the bow in her hands.
“The hell with these weapons…isn’t it heavy?”
“It is. A lot.”
Weed was like a craftsman, silently listening to the criticism, while dutifully continued making bows form the monster’s bones. Around him were the various bows he created, piled up like mountains. When the bones ran out, he returned to making wooden bows, sizable ones.
‘To have made this many in this duration…’
‘Making bows for several days without a single break.’
Pale and Maylon didn’t know what to say, because they could not afford to use such bows.
It required such overwhelmingly Strength, and its weight heavily restricted movements.
Pale was about to point out the problems he saw with the bows.
Then from far away, Geomchi5 and 10 practitioners appeared.
“Weed, we return for food. We also gained some minerals and leathers from the hunt. Master wanted to give these to you.”
Weed gave them the bread he baked in advance in bulk. But instead of returning immediately after receiving them, Geomchi5 snooped around.
Pale and Zephyr seeing so and nodded their heads.
‘I see.’
‘So it was too tough even for you.’
To hit level 270 like Weed said was something beyond difficult. And because Geomchi5 had high self-esteem, he didn’t want to confess he couldn’t do it and decided to loiter about; or so they thought.
‘That’s no good. I have to help him out a bit.’
Zephyr saw an opportunity and walked over.
“Geomchi5 hyeong nim.”
“Isn’t hunting tough? I know raising levels never get any easier. When I was like you, it was realllllyyy hard.”
Geomchi5 yawned and replied.
“There are a lot of strong monsters. So far, there were cases of monsters appearing that I couldn’t handle. They came out when we were picking up loots from other monsters, I also hear those issuing commands.”
According to Zephyr’s past experiences, those would be a Boss monster or Named monsters; that meant the area they were grinding in was a very dangerous hunting ground.
“That’s very risky.”
“Hm? Nah. Everybody kicked their asses.”
“Don’t the unique ones give more experience points? They dropped a lot of items; so whenever they appear, we come together and beat them where they stand. It’s a pleasure to see all 10 guys haven’t died yet.”
“Shh, it wasn’t easy, I presume?”
“Even if I don’t use weapons, they still die all the same.”
“The knives rarely taste the thrill of combat. If some accident occurs then I’d have to repair them; so most of the time I’d just grab some random thing and kill the monsters.”
If a Boss monster came along, they would drop the things on hand and rushed toward it. They didn’t need the overly complex skills since brandishing their swords was like anyone else using their pen to write.
“Oh Weed, I forgot to ask this. My level is nearing 270, but a few of us are beyond that level. Is it alright?”
“Yes, Saheyong.”
“Oh thank God.”
And Geomchi5 was watching Weed making bows.
“Weed, what is this?”
“They’re bows. I was going to give them to Sahyeongs.”
The Geomchis picked the Martial Arts profession, so they could buy and use arms of other professions with