Her nature is rather permissive. She gets embarrassed easily, especially when her brothers get really close to her. She loves her brothers very much, and enjoys being in their company. She is a devoted daughter to her father, and tries her best not to let her new stepmother down. Yet, Ema is honest, kind-hearted, and polite girl that cares for her new family. She is also very modest.
While Ema has a very permissive, almost submissive, nature, she also carries an absolute certainty when it comes to her own feelings. She knows how she feels, and what she wants, and she doesn't let herself get pressured into a dishonest relationship. She is always honest with her brothers and with herself, and, contrary to what they may think, she always tells them the truth. She always tells them that she only wants to be their sister, and she tries to express this in her actions. Unfortunately, for her, the message doesn't get across that way, and her stepbrothers' feelings for her only continue to grow as they spend more time with her, falling deeper and deeper in love with each passing day. This causes increasing aggressive conflicts between the brothers, and also causes Ema more and more distress.
As the series progresses, and Ema comes to realize that she is the cause of all the conflicts in her new family, she begins to feel guilty to the point of thinking that they'd be better off without her; seeing herself as the outside who destroyed their peace. She often fails to see that she did nothing wrong, and that none of the conflicts are actually her fault. Through it all, she tries to grin and bare it, fighting to make it clear that she only wants to be a good family member. She says that there are times when her heart wavers, but she has faith that she will be able to make it clear some day, and then they will be able to be a real family.