The blades of wind that came straight at him slashed many gashes in Yun Che’s clothes, but were unable to harm his body. Yun Che neither dodged nor tried to avoid it and welcomed the whirlwind with an explosive strike of his sword…. However, like before, he underestimated the Fierce Storm Hawk’s speed, and this was in addition to the stifling of the storm. When this blow exploded, the Fierce Storm Hawk’s talons were already close to his chest. The glittering talons were even already pierced into his clothes…..
The Overlord’s Colossal Sword heavily smashed onto the Fierce Storm Hawk’s large body; the smash caused it to cry out in agony. It was sent flying while tumbling in midair with immense speed, and it was only after tumbling out for a few tens of loops and almost hitting the ground did it barely manage to stabilize its body in levitation.
This one vicious blow was enough to strike fear into the Fierce Storm Hawk’s heart. After swaying in midair for a long while, it finally regained its balance and flew off into the distance, not daring to attack Yun Che again.
“Hmph, I guess you’re smart, else I’d be forced to let you taste some fire.” Yun Che pulled at the clothes at his chest. Looking at the four hawk claw marks that had pierced holes, he exclaimed in his heart about how dangerous it had been.
The clothes on him were already extremely tattered, and also splattered with too much wolf blood. The smell also stung his nose a little, and he was simply unable to continue wearing them. Therefore, he quickly tore off the tattered clothes on his body and changed into new clothes…
The moment he finished changing his clothes, his expression changed slightly. As fast as lightning, he reached his hand out to check at his own neck, and all at once, his expression grew much worse.
This was because the pendant that he had always been wearing since young, had actually disappeared.