Then on March 2nd, 1934 there came the abdication of the throne of His Majesty King Prachathipok, Rama VII, which resulted in Prince Ananda Mahidol being asked by the then government to ascend to the throne as King Rama VIII of the Royal House of Chakri. Prince Bhumibol Adulyadej was still pursuing his study in a university in Switzerland at the time, not being aware of the fact that his course of life was about to change completely before long. On the 9th. of June 1946, his elder brother, King Ananda Mahidol, passed away in Bangkok, hence given the Law of Succession bestowed on him the arduous but challenging function of the Thai Crown. His Majesty then returned to Switzerland again in order to pursue his study in Political Science and Law so that he would have acquired knowledge required as the King of the nation. After finishing his study, His Majesty returned to Thailand in 1950 for his Coronation Ceremony that took place on May 5th.