This morning my ex-boyfriend greet me by Line
He began to told me that "He miss me"
I asked him that, "Are you ok?"
Ai : He should think about his new girlfriend more than me.
He : Last night he was crying cause miss me and saw me in imagine.
Ai : I saw him looked happy with his girlfriend but he told me about that, I don't understand him
He : He maybe lonely.
Ai : You have a new girlfriend and got relationship. You shouldn't say you think of me behind her because if she know later she'll feel bad. Now, you got a new relationship with new girlfriend but think about passed!
(around 3 min he asked me again)
He : Do you still miss me or not?
Ai : No, I didn't think.
After that I asked him that "How's him and his girlfriend"
They are Ok. He told me that "His girlfriend is cute and cares details in his life."
I told him that "He was lucky to meet her."
Before end the conversation, I told him that I was talking with someone but I didn't tell who you are and personal details.
I want to tell you what happend this morning :)