2.5. Multivariate analysis
To reveal the relationship among different gentian samples
according to compositions of secondary metabolites, and to identify
the main constituents influencing variability, the composition
data matrix of twenty samples (6 variables 20 samples = 120
data) was analysed using principal component analysis (PCA) with
STATISTICA 7.1 (Stat Soft Italia srl, 2005, www.statsoft.it). Eigenvalues
were calculated using a covariance matrix among 6 chemical
compounds as input, and the two-dimensional PCA biplot,
including both samples of different origin and compounds, was
2.5. Multivariate analysisTo reveal the relationship among different gentian samplesaccording to compositions of secondary metabolites, and to identifythe main constituents influencing variability, the compositiondata matrix of twenty samples (6 variables 20 samples = 120data) was analysed using principal component analysis (PCA) withSTATISTICA 7.1 (Stat Soft Italia srl, 2005, www.statsoft.it). Eigenvalueswere calculated using a covariance matrix among 6 chemicalcompounds as input, and the two-dimensional PCA biplot,including both samples of different origin and compounds, wasgenerated.
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