Thank you for writing to us.
We apologize for the inconvenience. We can manually reset the password for you. In order to reset your password, could you please give us some more information to verify that this is the correct user?
Could you please provide us with:
- Your Hive ID and birthday
- Name of the game
- Language and Country
- The email that your account was linked to
- The approximate date of when you created your Hive account
- Wi-Fi Mac Address
iOS: go to settings- About Phone- Status- Wifi Mac Address
Android: Go to settings - more- about device - status - wifi mac address
Also, you are now able to desync your Facebook and/or Google+ account by yourself. This is only possible through a computer. Please go to the Com2Us Hive website and login to your account. Once you've logged in, click on your ID on the top right corner. Then click on Profile/Settings > Information Tab > Turn SNS synced accounts On to Off. We hope these instructions were clear and you are able to unsync your SNS. Thank you.