Expert Systems with Applications
Recently, there have been numerous efforts to fuse the latest Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
technology with the Enterprise Information System (EIS). However, in most cases these attempts are
centered mainly on the simultaneous multiple reading capability of RFID technology, and thus neglect
the management of massive data generated from the RFID reader. As a result, it is difficult to obtain flow
information for RFID data mining related to real time process control. In this paper, we propose an
advanced process management method, called ‘Procedure Tree’ (PT), for RFID data mining. Using the
suggested PT, we are able to manage massive RFID data effectively, and perform real time process
management efficiently. Then we evaluate the efficiency of the proposed method, after applying it to a
real time process control system connected to the RFID-based EIS. For the verification of the suggested
system, we collect an enormous amount of data in the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) database,
analyze characteristics of the collected data, and then compute the elapsed time on each stage in process
control. The suggested system was able to perform what the traditional RFID-based process control
systems failed to do, such as predicting and tracking of real time process and inventory control.