Small and medium-sized enterprises producing garments must cope with a very tough world and it is rapidly getting lf tougher. If you want to survive and grow, your enterprise or bott must be dynamic. To compete you need constant improvement otherwise you will not be able to take advantage of opportunities or resolve problems rapidly.
When you first looked at previous chapters and used the checklists in your factory, you probably found several measures that were worth while. If you attended a workshop organized by a local training institution or you managed to organize a small group of owners and managers to discuss these matters, it is likely that you gathered several good suggestions from them
Chapters 2 to 8 have given you the information you need to take a fresh, innovative look at your factory. There are a number of ideas which can quickly and easily be applied We hope you have already benefited from these ideas
Now it is time to go further. Start with a small, specific area where there are only a few operations that you want to improve. See if you can find ways to make it operate really efficiently. The rest of this chapter will help you lo apply the lessons from this aclion manual as a whole.
You may have read about quality control circles or other advanced management ideas and wondered if they can be applied in your enterprise. They can, Chapter 10 gives a series of initiatives for involving workers in the process of change and you should select the most appropriale for your needs.