The Stroke Unit Triallists’ Collaboration
(14) have published data concerning 3249 patients in Sweden,
Finland, Australia, Canada and UK randomized to stroke units
with MDT working or routine care. Amongst the latter, only
277 out of 1346 participants were exposed to multidisciplinary
PRM programmes. Stroke units (with MDTs) showed better
survival. Only 23.8% of those in stroke units died in the first
4 weeks compared with 27.8% of those not in stroke units.
This difference was especially noticeable in those with severe
stroke (Barthel Index less than 15/100 on admission); there
were fewer neurological, cardiovascular or immobility related
deaths in those who received multidisciplinary treatment . The
authors concluded this was not due to medication; and patients
were less likely to need institutional care because they were less
dependent. The authors proposed that this might be attributable
to more encouragement and support