Selection of Final Items
We selected the final 41 items on the basis of whether they had a CVI greater than 80%. The SETc-dehydration focused on assessing the attainment of clinical judgment in nursing practice. While scoring, the experts had to use three subscales to rate students' behaviors and actions. These subscales were based on the following three levels of development: “beginning,” “developing,” and “accomplished.” The four dimensions of noticing, interpreting, responding, and reflecting were rated based on these levels of development (Fig. 1).
Data Collection Procedures
Data were collected from March 3 through June 14, 2014. The study's purpose and procedures as well as information regarding confidentiality were explained to the participants before obtaining their consent. All of the students participated in this study voluntarily and anonymously. They were informed that there was no penalty for not participating and the data would be reported in the aggregate and not individually. The rate of participation was 96.1%.
The 120 participants were divided into 37 groups of 3 or 4 nursing students each. Each group was assessed on each of the items listed in Table 1. Means (SD) were calculated for each group's scores for the rubric containing the items linked with the subcategories and dimensions. Each group simulation was video-recorded, which provided raters the opportunity to use the rubric and to practice evaluating students' performance and clinical judgment. Students' clinical judgment abilities with respect to caring for children with dehydration were assessed in each simulation session. Upon careful review of the LCJR, raters confirmed the scoring categories and checked the differences between them. The raters completed the scoring for each group and provided a rationale for each score assigned. Each simulation lasted 20 to 30 min. Students were asked to wear uniforms and to treat the simulation as an actual professional situation. Students were rated by two instructors using a modified LCJR with a 3-point Likert-type scale. Two other instructors observed the simulations from the control room.