Can you tell me why you limited moisture to 76%? We can reduce the cost by entering the Protein and fat minimums and allowing moisture to increase.
For example, The protein minimum for ANSM25 is 10%, but because you limit moisture, the Protein target is 13.986 and the cost is very high. Please comment on the limit for moisture…..
Trout dinner with pumpkin in broth ANTRPK25 – This diet uses Salmon and not Trout?? We need analytical data on the Trout ingredient you want to use. I assume it’s whole trout? Please work with K.Belle to get the sample analyzed using the raw material SOP to populate Concept 5.
Tuna dinner with goji berries in broth ANTNGB25 – I cannot approve this formula as you need to request Goji berries be added to Concept 5. Please provide a spec to K.Belle.
Tuna dinner with beef in broth ANTNBF25
Chicken Tuna dinner with eggs in broth ANTNEG25 – Will we use whole boiled egg as a topping? Or do you want to use egg powder? If you want boiled egg you need to request a new Material be added to Concept 5.