Statistical analysis of data was performed using SPSS 16.0
software. In all statistical computations, a minimum of 0.05 confidence
level was used. One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was
conducted to check for normal distribution of the data. Normal
distribution was observed in the essay data of the pretest
administration. All other data did not show normal distribution.
Therefore, the nonparametric Wilcoxon signed rank test was used
for statistical analysis of data. In the analysis of the answers to the
essay questions, the categorization involved the following labels
and scores: understanding (2 points), partial understanding (1
point) and incorrect understanding or no answer (0 point) (Özmen
et al., 2002). The answers to the essay questions were evaluated
based on the following criteria: Understanding; the responses using
all or a great deal of existing knowledge to provide the expected
answer for the question; partial understanding; responses that are
acceptable but do not fully satisfy the expected answers; incorrect
understanding; responses that fail to address the expected answers
or responses that contain incorrect information; no answer; no
responses are provided and the question is left blank. Based on this
evaluation percentages were calculated. For the multiple choice
questions, scoring was made as: correct answer-proper understanding
(1 point), incorrect answer-incorrect understanding (0
point), no answer – no understanding (0 point). The percentages