4. Conclusions
Reducing the oil content had no influence on the physicochemical,
microbiological, and textural characteristics or the acceptability of
fermented chicken sausages; however, it resulted in products that
tended to have darker and more reddish coloration. Adding inulin
Table 4
Textural properties of dry-fermented chicken sausages.
F1 F2 F3
Hardness (N) 0 57.27±11.14aA 71.57±14.65abA 95.03±33.48bA
15 56.44±14.36aA 61.13±14.05abA 97.58±18.75bA
30 63.85±9.93aA 68.01±16.89abA 94.69±16.84bA
45 59.54±13.77aA 74.34±21.87abA 99.71±31.22bA
Springiness 0 0.80±0.03bA 0.80±0.04abA 0.74±0.09aA
15 0.82±0.04bA 0.81±0.07abA 0.71±0.06aA
30 0.86±0.06bA 0.82±0.03abA 0.70±0.05aA
45 0.84±0.04bA 0.83±0.07abA 0.77±0.06aA
Cohesiveness 0 0.71±0.02aA 0.68±0.05aA 0.66±0.05aA
15 0.72±0.04aA 0.69±0.06aA 0.64±0.04aA
30 0.71±0.04aA 0.69±0.05aA 0.62±0.04aA
45 0.72±0.06aA 0.69±0.05aA 0.65±0.06aA
0 0.41±0.10aA 0.72±0.41aA 0.84±0.30aA
15 0.22±0.12aA 0.57±0.30aA 0.66±0.23aA
30 0.60±0.45aA 0.54±0.42aA 0.88±0.37aA
45 1.51±0.36aA 0.49±0.54aA 0.89±0.72aA
0 33.03±5.17aA 38.48±6.49aA 45.20±14.27bA
15 32.96±6.70aA 34.00±8.99aA 43.45±6.18bA
30 38.83±4.94aA 37.63±6.22aA 40.96±5.38bA
45 35.21±6.85aA 41.25±11.03aA 48.21±11.27bA
Hardness (N)
0 56.97±12.01aC 74.65±16.21aC 106.74±20.38bC
15 55.92±11.61aBC 65.05±8.53aBC 112.35±24.02bBC
30 48.97±7.75aAB 66.33±11.23aAB 87.65±17.16bAB
45 49.25±7.02aA 61.94±10.97aA 87.86±22.89bA
Means±standard deviation in the same row followed by different lowercase letters indicates
differences (p≤0.05) among formulations on the same day of storage. Means±standard
deviation in the same column followed by different uppercase letters indicates differences
(p≤0.05) for each formulation affected by storage time (n=12).
⁎Formulations: F1 (17% corn oil), F2 (9% corn oil) and F3 (9% corn oil and 7% inulin).
Table 5
Acceptability of dry-fermented chicken sausages.
Storage time (days) Formulations⁎⁎
F1 F2 F3
0 6.66±0.06aA 6.75±0.18aA 6.95±0.11aA
15 7.11±0.12aA 7.16±0.01aA 6.87±0.57aA
30 7.10±0.14aA 6.90±0.05aA 6.76±0.33aA
45 7.13±0.10aA 7.00±0.16aA 6.96±0.47aA
Means±standard deviation in the same row followed by different lowercase letters indicatesdid not change the physicochemical and microbiological parameters or
the acceptability of the products, but these fermented sausages exhibited
an altered texture profile and a tendency to display lighter and less reddish
colors, similar to those of the product with standard oil content.
Fermented chicken sausages formulated with standard amounts of
corn oil, reduced amounts of oil, and reduced amounts of oil containing
inulin as a partial oil substitute remained stable and had no substantial
loss of physical, chemical, microbiological, or sensory attributes during
storage at 4 °C for 45 days.
differences (p≤0.05) between formulations on the same day of storage. Means±standard
deviation in the same column followed by different uppercase letters indicates differences
(p≤0.05) for each formulation affected by storage time. Hedonic value: 1=disliked very
much and 9=liked very much (n=60).
** Formulations: F1 (17% corn oil), F2 (9% corn oil) and F3 (9% corn oil and 7% inulin